Thursday, March 29, 2012

My Faith: Part 1

It's been a while since I've posted and I apologize for that. Today I thought I would take the time to define what the Christian faith is. I notice that a lot of people have a tendency to completely misconstrue what our faith is. Calling us out as judgmental, violent, arrogant, and exclusive. So let me tell you what my faith is. First and foremost my faith is not one of judgement, according to my faith that is to left to the one who made me. Unfortunately I understand where a lot of the backlash about judgement comes from. I personally have never met a judgmental Christian, but I have heard horror stories of people being beat up, spat on, made fun of, even killed. This is not my faith, what my God mandates is that I care for others no ifs ands or buts. Even this can be difficult however, and even I as a Christian struggle with this.
Many people claim that Christianity is exclusive, and to a degree it is. We as Christians do believe that the only way that you can live this life to the fullest and make it to the next is by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior. However, I as one who tries to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ will never ever tell anyone that they can't be a Christian. A lot of people are often scared away from the faith because they fear a bunch of dos and don'ts. I'm here to tell you that that is not what my faith is. No where in the bible does it say you can't smoke, no where in the bible does it say that you can't drink, no where in the bible does it say that you can't watch rated R movies.
As I continue to write about my faith I hope that I will be able to go more in depth and give people a greater sense of what Christianity is about and that it isn't necessarily what the general populace assumes it to be.

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